Barnes Law Firm, LLC assesses each case individually, and results may vary depending on the facts and law involved in a particular case. This website is not intended to compare the services of Barnes Law Firm, LLC to the services of any other law firm or lawyer or to imply specialization or certification by any organization not previously approved by the Supreme Court of South Carolina’s Commission on Legal Education and Specialization.
The material contained on this web site was prepared by Barnes Law Firm, LLC for informational purposes and is not to be considered advertising or legal advice. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute or create, an attorney-client relationship between Barnes Law Firm, LLC and any reader or recipient of this information. Any link or reference to a third party found on our internet site is not an express or implied endorsement by Barnes Law Firm, LLC as to that third party or the information provided.
Statement in compliance with Rules of Professional Conduct of States other than South Carolina: Unless otherwise indicated within an individual attorney’s biographical information, a lawyer associated with this firm is not certified by any other state’s Board of Legal Specialization or its equivalent.
Each case is unique and based on its own set of facts. Results achieved on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.
For further information contact:
Kathleen C. Barnes, Owner
13 Mulberry Street East
Hampton, SC 29924
The material contained on this web site was prepared by Barnes Law Firm, LLC for informational purposes and is not to be considered advertising or legal advice. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute or create, an attorney-client relationship between Barnes Law Firm, LLC and any reader or recipient of this information. Any link or reference to a third party found on our internet site is not an express or implied endorsement by Barnes Law Firm, LLC as to that third party or the information provided.
Statement in compliance with Rules of Professional Conduct of States other than South Carolina: Unless otherwise indicated within an individual attorney’s biographical information, a lawyer associated with this firm is not certified by any other state’s Board of Legal Specialization or its equivalent.
Each case is unique and based on its own set of facts. Results achieved on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.
For further information contact:
Kathleen C. Barnes, Owner
13 Mulberry Street East
Hampton, SC 29924